Governance Committee

The work of the Governance Committee supports the learning culture across the SBNI in response to lessons learned and furthers the SBNI’s objective to coordinate and ensure the effectiveness of what is done by each person or body represented on the Board for the purpose of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.


The purpose of the Governance Committee is to review the establishment and maintenance of an effective system for governance across the whole of the SBNI’s activities and to support the achievement of the SBNI’s objectives, minimising the exposure to risk.


  • Reviewing and developing a governance infrastructure within the SBNI with clearly defined professional / managerial lines of accountability;
  • Ensuring that an Assurance Framework accurately records the SBNI’s objectives duties and functions and that associated risks are identified together with the measures and controls to manage these principal risks;
  • Developing and maintaining a Risk Register for the SBNI and keeping said Register under Review as a standing item on the Committee’s agenda;
  • Reviewing the implementation and ensuring continued compliance with quality / risk related standards;
  • Supporting a learning culture across the SBNI in response to lessons learned to further the SBNI’s objectives;
  • Seeking assurance that action plans developed as a result of external reviews / reports are being progressed and implemented; 
  • Ensuring compliance with PHA/HSC financial and information governance;
  • Any other activity or function relevant to the overall governance of the SBNI as authorised or agreed by the Board; 
  • Overseeing ongoing development of quality improvement programmes and projects; and
  • Ensuring arrangements are in place to assist the Independent Chair of the SBNI produce and approve the Annual, Mid-Year and Year End Assurance statements. 


The group is chaired by an SBNI Non-Executive Lay Member.  Membership includes:

  • Non-Executive Lay Member 
  • Four other members selected from SBNI to including a member with CMR experience
  • One member of SBNI Central Support Unit with Governance Remit
  • Others may be invited to attend as required including Chairs of Safeguarding Panels at least once per annum, and also a PHA Information Governance rep.